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A Few Tips before Moving In Grand Junction CO Homes for Rent


While property management companies strive to present Grand Junction CO homes for rent in its best condition, the tenants still have a few things left to do. The changes are needed not because the house isn't good enough, but because the tenants need to personalize their space. This explains the usual changing of paint color whenever a tenant moves in.


Tenants customize their new space by doing a general house cleaning. Bugs and other insects must be thoroughly exterminated afterward. Nothing beats a freshly disinfected house for a good first night's sleep. The meticulous ones may find it essential to change the toilet seat, which is really advisable for hygiene purposes.


Another tip would be to measure the floor space. Make a mental note on the areas where the furniture should be placed. Drafting the plan on a piece of paper will help the movers to know where things should exactly go on the moving day.


Check the electrical outlets and see if special plugs are needed. In addition, buy some dimmers to replace the bright bulbs, to make the new home feel a bit cozier. Prepare a special toolbox that contains all the basic tools needed to assemble things. Bring a large container which contains a pack of snacks and drinks to hand over to everyone at the day of the move. Also, prepare another one which contains basic supplies such as soap, toilet paper and other essentials.