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Rental Homes in Grand Junction Co Prepare for the Summer Drought


Colorado is set to experience drought within its borders this summer, due to the low water reserves and the decrease of mountain snow packs. On March 2012, Colorado has experience the warmest recorded temperature, one of its driest years since 1895. The April 2012 drought update has showed a significant decline in the area's water reserves, signaling severe drought conditions which have been keeping the water levels below normal. Rental homes in Grand Junction Co are advised to prepare for the drought by implementing water conservation.


In order to prevent water restrictions, all the residents of the community are encouraged to cooperate by avoiding excessive use of water. Tenants and property managers are advised to closely monitor the use of sprinkler systems. Carefully inspect if there are leaking pipes, broken sprinkler heads or a nozzle which needs to be adjusted. Report any water leakage on the streets and sidewalks immediately. Always make sure that the landscaped gardens are receiving just enough water to survive. Reduce the use of landscape water by correcting the irrigation clocks. Also, check if there are leaking pipes around the house and fix them as soon as possible. With these methods, Colorado can save enough water throughout the drought.