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Tips on Sealing Air Leaks in Grand Junction Colorado Property Management Homes


Air leaks should be properly sealed because if not, these can waste a significant amount of money paid in utility bills. Before putting up a unit for rent in Grand Junction Colorado property management, it is important that air leaks should be caulked and sealed first. Door and window frames should be weather stripped while ceiling, floor and walls joints need to be caulked.


All ducts, plumbing and utility access also leak air, so be sure to seal these areas to prevent wasting energy. Dirt spots on your insulation are usually signs of air leakage; these can be corrected using an insulation spray with low expansion effect. Meanwhile, the gaps between baseboards and windows may be sealed using a foam sealant. Electrical outlets and switches can be caulked with foam gaskets; while the bottoms of doors can be installed with pliable sealants.


Other areas which usually leak air are chimney flashing, furnace flues, and water heater vents, so these should be sealed with inflatable chimney balloons when not in use. It is also recommended that kitchen the exhaust fan and the attic entrance must be covered when not needed. By sealing air leaks throughout the house, the owner can save a lot on heating and cooling bills.