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How Property Managers Grand Junction Differ from Real Estate Agents


If you believe that property managers Grand Junction and real estate agents both hold the same job description, then it's about time for some enlightenment. Though both professionals work within the real estate industry, the two are just separate entities. In fact, what the other one does for a living may contrast to the other one's occupation.


For one, real estate agents are commonly engaged in the buying and selling side of real estate properties. They connect sellers to the buyers and assist them with the pricing, negotiating, and closing of the deals. They are paid by commission basis, once the property is sold; and their working relationship ends once the purchase has been made, unless they are working for a developing company whose business is to sell properties.


On the other hand, property managers bring rental property owners and tenants together. These professionals are mainly involved in preserving the property as much as the owner can, through maintenance and scheduled repairs. They earn by collecting a percentage from the unit's rent or by charging management fee. Their work does not end once the property is leased; in fact, majority of the property manager's responsibility begins here. They do routine inspections to ensure that the dwelling is in a habitable condition.