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Property management in Grand Junction Colorado : Snow and Ice removal


Winters generally mean ice and snow as well as liability risks for landlords involved in property management in Grand Junction Colorado. Snow and ice can accumulate on walkways, roofs, and driveway paths. These can create slippery surfaces. The falling ice from roofs is also known to cause injuries and large scale property damage.


If you own a property in the sunny states that do not have snow, you are not required to include the snow/ice removal clause in your rental agreements. However, depending on where your property is located, especially in states prone to heavy blizzards, it is essential that you include certain rules regarding snow and ice removal in your tenant rental clauses.


Naturally, most states require the landlord to take his maintenance responsibilities very seriously. This means he needs to winter-proof his property and also make sure that it is safe for every resident in it.


A recent ruling by the Supreme Judicial courts in many States also indicates that property managers and landlords are responsible for every inch of snow and ice on their property. For property investors having multiple properties, winterizing them all can turn out to be a very costly affair.


In other states, the landlord can specify in the rental agreement that the tenant is responsible for ice/snow removal. By doing this, he is not only reducing his costs and efforts of shoveling the snow; he is also reducing the possibility of lawsuits or tenants holding him liable for accidents and injuries.