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Electronic Recycling Jobs Act makes it Better to Rent Homes Grand Junction Co


Last April 2012, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has signed SB133, also known as the Electronic Recycling Jobs Act. It is a law which prohibits all Colorado residents from dumping electronic equipment and gadgets in landfills. This act is a big boost to protect the environment, thus making it more interesting to rent homes grand junction co, because of the better living conditions here.


The disposal of used and unwanted electronics in landfills pollute the water in surrounding areas, as the toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium leach through the soil, thereby posing health hazards to the whole community.


Residents are advised to dispose their old batteries, light bulbs, television sets, radios, cellphones, computers and other gadget by taking them into a recycling center. There are three collection sites in Grand Junction which sends the unwanted electronic items to certified recycling centers. The fees collected are minimal compared to the serious health risks that may affect the whole community if the toxic materials are exposed through improper disposal.


With the said law being enacted, Colorado is now part of the 17 other environmentally friendly states that have already taken steps to solve the problem of electronic waste in the nation's landfills.